Blood Drive
Schedule your appointment for our next Blood Drive on Monday, October 7th, 2024!
(Enter Sponsor Code: stblase)
March 2023 Blood Drive Results
GIVE BLOOD at St. Blase
Pint-Sized Facts
* The entire donation process takes about an hour, including registration and a mini-physical
* One unit of blood yield red cells, platelets, and plasma to benefit up to three patients.
* Less than 5% of eligible adults donate blood.
* There is no substitute for blood.
* Only you can help save another life
For more information about donating blood, please visit the American Red Cross website.
For more info about becoming a bone marrow donor, please visit the Be The Match website.
Heal The Sick by John Thavis, Catholic News Service, VATICAN CITY (CNS)
Top Vatican officials encouraged blood donation, saying it was a powerful and practical way to carry out Christ’s command to heal the sick. Pope Benedict XVI, addressing pilgrims from his apartment window June 12, sent special greetings to blood donors everywhere. He said Christians should find inspiration for blood donation in Christ, who “redeemed us with his blood.” Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan celebrated Mass near the Vatican with several hundred blood donation volunteers. In a sermon, he asked why people should give blood.
The answers are many, he said. For one thing, despite millions of donors each year, the world does not have enough blood to meet medical needs — especially in poorest countries.
Many give blood out of a sense of solidarity or compassion for the sick, he said. But for Christians, donating blood should have another special meaning.
“Christ gave to his disciples a specific mandate: ‘Heal the sick’”.
Beyond solidarity and natural compassion, there is this mandate of Christ, whom we obey with our innermost nature by giving blood. This is a great satisfaction, fulfilling from our hearts Christ’s command to give health,” Cardinal Lozano said.