Mass & Liturgy Times
Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, & Friday: 9:30 AM Mass
Wednesday & Thursday: No Mass Scheduled
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday: 4:00 PM (Mass livestreamed)
Sunday: 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM Mass
Holy Days
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions/Penance)
Private confessions are heard every Saturday at 3:00 pm. The Sacrament of Penance may also be made by appointment.
Baptismal Preparation
Parents requesting Baptism for their children must be registered in the parish and practicing Catholics. To begin this process, parents are asked to contact the Parish Office at 268-2244 for an initial interview. Parents are welcomed and encouraged to begin this process before the birth of their child.
Sick Calls and Communion Calls
Who do I notify if there is a serious illness in our family? Please notify the parish office when there is a serious illness in your family. The pastoral staff and ministers of the Eucharist visit the sick in their homes, in hospitals and convalescent homes regularly and parishioners will offer their prayers.
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