Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is a consultative body to the Pastor and the unifying structure of the Parish community. The PPC is the means of achieving the full participation of the whole Parish in its mission by giving all a voice in supporting, guiding, and directing the various aspects of Parish Life.
Goals and objectives are implemented by each of the Parish Commissions and committees and are evaluated annually. As participants in furthering the mission of Jesus Christ, the Parish Pastoral Council accomplishes its work in an organized and systematic way through effective working groups or one of the following Commissions: Education, Service, Stewardship, Worship, Worship Space Enhancement, Liturgy Preparation, and Evangelization.
— Parish Council —

Mark Czarnecki

Darlene Preston
Vice Chair

Shirley Braschayko
Secretary Vicariate Rep

Diane Fisher

Mike Koss

Genie Palmer

Paul Marrero

Pat Malone

David Rudzinski
Parish Pastoral Council Nominations
On the Feast of Pentecost, selections are made of the new members who will serve on the Parish Pastoral council for the next 3 years. The Pastoral Council serves as the leadership body within the parish whose purpose is to set the vision and direction for the parish community.
Those who serve on the Council have the important task of providing our pastor with the necessary consultation, input, and recommendations he needs to effectively lead and serve the parish. With this in mind, it is helpful for Council members to have had previous or current experience in ministry, perhaps as a catechist or a member of a Commission or Committee. There are also certain gifts that Council members need to possess in order to serve in the best possible way. Some of these gifts are:
An active prayer and faith life.
The ability to initiate new ideas, questions, suggestions
The ability to communicate (clarifying, giving information, summarizing)
The ability to reach decisions by way of consensus.
The ability to negotiate.
The ability to reflect on and engage in conversation about issues presented to the Council.
The last several years, the parish community has been invited into the process of making nominations for the Parish Pastoral Council. All nominees must be fully initiated, practicing Catholics who are registered in the parish.
The selection of the new members will be made at Mass the weekend of Pentecost. Those who are selected will begin their term at the August meeting. They will also be mentored by current Council members. Those whose names are not selected will then be invited to join other commissions/committees based on their gifts and interests identified during the orientation process. We again ask for your suggestions of yourself or fellow parishioners whom you believe would be good, active members of the Council.