Sacrament of the Sick
Those who would be “proper recipients” for this sacrament are those who are seriously impaired with sickness or old age. The sacrament is not limited to the elderly. If there are children in our community who are in need of anointing and who can appreciate the sacrament, then we would certainly invite them to be anointed as well.
Please notify the parish office when there is a serious illness in your family. DO NOT wait until death is imminent. Anointing is intended for critical moments at the onset of illness, the progression of a serious disease, or a notable weakening in the physical condition of an elderly person.
Please contact Fr. Randy Phillips at the Parish Office at 586-268-2244.
Eucharistic Ministers for the Homebound
Visiting the Sick in Hospitals
We are happy to visit our hospitalized parishioners. To make that happen we need a family member or friend to contact the parish. That is the only way we know that someone is in the hospital.
Many years ago when I was first ordained, I would go to St. John Hospital in Detroit every Friday afternoon. At the Information Desk I could put together a list of parishioners and then proceed to visit them. It has not worked like that in many years. Even in Catholic Hospitals HIPPA and other privacy regulations prevent this kind of information sharing. The only way we have of knowing if a loved one is in the hospital is if someone notifies the parish office.
It is also helpful, when calling about someone who is ill, to help us understand their condition. For example, are they in need of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, the Eucharist, or both? If requesting the Eucharist, are they able to swallow or take food by mouth? I have been embarrassed more than once when called upon to anoint a dying person. Believing they could not swallow or take food, I failed to bring the Blessed Sacrament only to find that they could receive the Body and Blood of Christ. I suppose one might suggest that I automatically bring the Blessed Sacrament with me. This however, tends to lead to a rather casual attitude toward the Eucharist. The Body and Blood of Christ is not like an umbrella or flash light that one carries along, “just in case.” So a little bit of information such as this can be helpful in avoiding awkward misunderstandings.
From Randy’s Rummage by Fr. Randy Phillips in The Flame, September 2, 2007
The Pyx: Communion at Home
The proper container for carrying the Blessed Sacrament is a pyx (pronounced the same as “picks”). These are available in the sacristy or just ask one of the ushers for assistance. We also have communion ministers who bring the Eucharist to the sick in those cases where a family member is not able to do so.
Fr Randy does his best to visit or at least call parishioners who are hospitalized. Please remember that we do not know someone is in the hospital unless you inform us. Hospitals, even Catholic hospitals, due to legal and privacy laws, cannot make that information available to a parish or a priest.