We are in need of someone, or a team of 2-3 parishioners, who would be willing to take over the task of MCRESTCoordinator. The dates for MCREST this year are the week of July 31st through August 6th.

Since Covid restrictions have been eased, there have been some changes to the way we will handle MCREST going forward. We are no longer hosting our guests on-site at St. Blase as we did before the Pandemic but will be hosting our week at the new Women and Children’s Shelter which opened this past January in Mount Clemens. We will no longer need overnight volunteers anymore since they have their own staff that operates the shelter. Our responsibilities as a host church include preparing breakfast/lunch bags and dinners for each day during our week. We will also need drivers to deliver these meals on a daily basis along with 3-4 volunteers who will serve our guests dinner at 6pm each day.

The job of Coordinator entails overseeing the chairpersons for each committee such as: Kitchen/Meal Prep., Delivery and Transportation and Volunteer Serving Assignments.This person or team would be responsible for ensuring that each of these chairpersons have an adequate group ofvolunteers. They are basically the “point person” and are responsible for delegating where needed. They would also work with the Christian Service Coordinator throughout the week and communicate any needs that may arise. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Lisa Grembi in the parish office at 586-268-2244.