Solemnity of All Saints, Wednesday, November 1, 2023
A Holy Day of Obligation
We honor Saints to remind us what is possible for a person who loves God. The Saints have stories as varied as our own. On this Solemnity of All Saints, we remember this garden of holiness, rich with diverse flowerings of a holy life. When you look at the life of your favorite Saint, ask yourself, “How can I imitate this person? What is possible for me when I love God?”
Saints Among the Saints Mass Times
St. Blase | 7:00 PM Mass
St. Ephrem | Vigil Mass on Oct. 31st at 7:00 PM, 12:15 PM Mass on November 1st
St. Martin de Porres | 9:30 AM Mass, 7:00 PM Mass
St. Michael | 9:30 AM Mass, 7:00 PM Mass
All Souls’ Day (The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed), Thursday, November 2, 2023
Join us in quiet prayer as we remember our faithful departed. In particular we recall those buried from St. Blase in the past year. This is a beautiful prayer service where we sing and give thanks as we remember with love and gratitude those who have gone before us, knowing they remain a part of us as we remain part of them. If you have never experienced this wonderful service, please consider joining us this year. It is truly a beautiful experience.
All Souls’ Day Evening Prayer | 7:00 PM at St. Blase