Happy April! Easter is right around the corner. In our newsletter, you will find the Triduum liturgy times. We hope you will join us as we celebrate starting Holy Thursday through Easter Sunday.
However, as of April 1st, we are still in our Lenten journey. Self-led Stations of the Cross are available in the church after morning liturgy on Friday until the church closes at 7 PM. We also have a couple more nights of Fish Fry, so stop by for a good meal.
In our e-newsletter you will find links and information to some of our upcoming events and announcements, like Fish Fry, Rummage Sale, Triduum, and Summer Circle!
In other news:
- Save these dates!
- Protecting God’s Children Workshop: May 21st. Sign up at virtusonline.org
- Parish Picnic & Kickball Game: June 26th
- Parish Tigers Game Night: July 26th
- Volunteer Opportunities! We will need volunteers to help with Vacation Bible School (a.k.a. Summer Circle) this year. We also need volunteers to help with Rummage Sale. Please see related articles in our newsletter for more information on how you can help.
- From April 9th-16th, there will be purple flags on our front lawn. These flags are a part of an Addiction Awareness Event that multiple churches from our area are participating in to raise awareness for alcohol and drug addiction. Alcohol and drug related deaths in Macomb County are occurring at alarming rates and steadily increasing. The purple flags we will have on our lawn April 9th through April 16th represent addiction deaths to bring awareness. Help is available and it begins here! We support recovery! Resource flyers will also be available in stands on the front lawn with county organizations and recovery information during April 9th-April 16th. Please be sure to pick up some information and use or share where needed. Also, in other related news, St. Michael Catholic Community will be hosting a DEA Drug Take Back Event on Saturday, April 30th from 10 AM until 2 PM. There will be a curbside drop-off. Turn in your unused or expired medication for safe disposal.
Have a Happy Lent and a Happy Easter!