Easter Rummage

  JESUS IS RISEN – – INDEED HE IS RISEN! ALLELUIA! A JOYOUS EASTER TO ALL! I especially WELCOME VISITORS, GUESTS AND THOSE RETURNING TO SAINT BLASE. We are always happy to have you with us. Do take a moment to look at our web site (www.stblase.org) or...

Palm Sunday

  We have begun Holy Week. In a few days Lent ends as we move into the THREE MOST IMPORTANT DAYS OF THE YEAR. I SINCERELY HOPE YOU WILL JOIN US FOR THE LITURGIES OF THIS SACRED TIME. Is this “the year” that you participate in the full Triduum? Due to the nature...

Fifth Sunday of Lent

  IN HONOR OF ST. PATRICK’S DAY WE WILL HAVE LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AT OUR FISH FRY THIS WEEK. You will want to invite your friends and neighbors to come not only for a great Lenten meal but to enjoy some Irish music from “MADIGAN’S ATTIC.” (St. Blase is not...

Fourth Sunday of Lent

  Our BLOOD DRIVE IS TOMORROW! While walk-ins are welcome, it is still helpful to sign-up even at this late hour. Sign–up sheets are in the Gathering Space. Thank You for giving the gift of life. Next week is “Reconciliation Week.” St. Michael will have a...

Third Sunday of Lent

  Randy’s Rummage Just prior to being spun sideways on I-696 last December, I was congratulating myself for being so together this close to Christmas. “I’ll even be able to go to the gym right up until Christmas,” I said to myself. A week ago I was patting...

Second Sunday of Lent

  ​Randy’s Rummage This Lent you might notice something that is different. Well, actually, a number of things are different in art and environment, music and the liturgy itself. Next Sunday, however, we will not be switching to the Gospel of John. This decision...