CALLING ALL KICKBALL PLAYERS! This year we are again teaming up with St. Thomas Lutheran on SUNDAY, AUGUST 7th to join together in what is a big local event for our Lutheran brothers and sisters: their annual kickball tournament. Last year those who came had tons of fun and our joint team even mounted a great comeback that almost sent us into the finals. Even if you don’t play, there is a picnic luncheon that is provided and a service project (water collection for Flint) to join as well as kickball to play or watch. Lunch begins at 12:45 P.M. and kickball at 1:45 P.M. The event is held at Christ Lutheran Church, which is on Canal (off Schoenherr between 19 Mile and Hall Road.) Call Crystal, in the parish office, to sign up to play at 586-268-2244.
Rumor Control: In recent weeks a number of parishioners have pulled me aside because they heard I’m leaving St. Blase. I have no idea where or how this rumor began; (maybe it is someone’s wishful thinking!) At any rate, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. Barring emergencies, assignments are made in late winter or early spring and go into e ect on July 1st. IF I was moving you would have known back in Lent and I would be gone by now! Besides, this is our parish’s 50th anniversary year and it would be extremely rare for a pastor to be moved in the midst of such an occasion. So, if anyone tells you that they heard I am leaving St. Blase, please correct their bad information.
Our 50th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION CONTINUES! In just two short weeks (they are always shorter in the summer!) ST. BLASE IS SPONSORING 80’S NIGHT AT THE STERLING HEIGHTS CONCERT SERIES IN DODGE PARK! As we began planning the various parts of our Golden Anniversary Year, there was awareness that this shouldn’t be “all about us.” Rather, included throughout the year are events in which we give back to the community and assist the poor. The idea of sponsoring one of the summer concerts the city conducts was a no-brainer. It relieves the financial burden from the city, allows the wider community to enjoy some quality music, and serves perhaps to introduce St. Blase to some who may not be familiar with us. So mark your calendar for THURSDAY, AUGUST THE 11th AND JOIN US THAT EVENING AT DODGE PARK.