Little Rock Scripture Study: The Book Of Isaiah

Join us for our next Little Rock Scripture Studybeginning in September on the Book of Isaiah(two-part study).Book price:To be determined…Sign up in the Parish Office.

“Both unsettling and inspiring, Isaiah continues toenrich readers with its powerful condemnation ofcorruption and an uncompromising call for socialjustice. Part One of our study covers Isaiah 1–39, including many of the prophet’s most memorable passages,” (Liturgical Press, Little Rock Scripture Study).

“Part Two of our study covers Isaiah 40–66. … Leslie Hoppe’s commentary continues to explore the history, theology, and poetry of this essential prophetic work, making a case that Isaiah is not so much about divine retribution as it is about liberation and a return to God’s loving embrace.” (Liturgical Press, Little Rock Scripture Study).

Part One: September 9, 16, 23, 30, October 7, 14, 2024

Part Two: October 21, 28, November 4, 11, 18, 25, 2024