Happy March! We start Lent this Wednesday, March 2nd. We hope that you have a reflective and prayerful Lent. Lenten reflection books will be available on the information counter on Ash Wednesday. We’ll also have our own weekly Lenten reflections each week. Read more about them in our e-newsletter.
Also, we hope you will join us for our Parish Mission Retreat, “Figs Find Forgiveness,” March 14th – 16th. We will dive deeper into the messages behind the scriptures that we will hear on the third, fourth, and fifth Sundays of Lent. Can’t make it one night? You are still welcome to attend the other evenings. Bring your friends and family!
In our e-newsletter you will find links and information to some of our upcoming events and announcements, like Fish Fry!
In other news:
- Did you know that we have a Scripture Study Group that meets on Wednesday mornings? Together they review and discuss the three readings for the upcoming Sunday Masses. Contact the Parish Office for more details.
- Save these dates!
- Protecting God’s Children Workshop: May 21st. Sign up at virtusonline.org
- Rummage Sale: May 26th & 27th
- Vacation Bible School: June 20th – 23rd
- Parish Picnic & Kickball Game: June 26th
- Parish Tigers Game Night: July 26th
- Volunteer Opportunities! We will need volunteers to help with Fish Fry and also Vacation Bible School (a.k.a. Summer Circle) this year. If you are interested in helping with Fish Fry, please contact the Parish Office. If you are interested in helping with Summer Circle, please contact Diann Chase in the Parish Office.
Happy Lent!