Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. This phrase, “The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ,” contains a double meaning. It refers to both the Eucharist and to the Church. Both are the Body and Blood of Christ.

Even the Body and Blood of Christ can experience glitches when it comes to technology! We had a brief problem with our online parish registration. So if you joined St. Blase via our website, and it has been more than 6 – 8 weeks and you have not received envelopes or received electronic communications from the parish, your registration might not have gone through. I apologize for that. The problem has been fixed. If you are unsure about your registration status please call the parish office and Crystal will check for you. Thanks for your understanding.

This is also Memorial Day weekend. We remember those who have defended our belief in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by paying the ultimate sacrifice, giving their life for their country. We pray for all who have sacrificed their lives in the pursuit of and defense of freedom. We especially remember those who remain listed as Missing in Action, and their families and loved ones.
As I have mentioned at other times, Vatican II instituted an on-going revision of the Church’s liturgical rites. This was done to ensure that our rituals do not become static for centuries, as they were prior to the Vatican Council. After numerous delays, the new rite of marriage has been approved and is scheduled to go into effect this coming Advent.

What is changing? Truthfully, as with the changes in the mass a few years ago, most of the changes involve tweaking a word here and there! The New Rite of Marriage specifically omits the Penitential Act. Many presiders have been doing that already, insofar as our current rite does not mention it either way. So this officially clarifies the silence of the current rite. More selections for the scripture readings have been included. This will provide many more options from which the bride and groom can choose. Embolisms (specific prayers pertaining to the celebration) have been composed to be prayed within the Eucharistic Prayer. The Nuptial Blessing now contains a specific reference to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the couple. These words, together with the ritual gesture of the presider extending his hand over the couple, are consistent with the invocation of the Holy Spirit in other sacraments of the Church. The Consent, or vows, have been slightly re-worded. The rite will also contain prayers for the Blessing and Giving of the Arras and the Blessing and Placing of the Lazo or Veil. These are cultural adaptations that come from the Hispanic and Filipino traditions. Lastly, the New Rite includes a Blessing of Engaged Couples, which is designed to be performed by a lay person(s), such as the parents of the couple. Those are the highlights. Our Liturgy Planning Committee will be discussing how we can best introduce the new Rite of Marriage into our parish.

If you have already made your pledge or contribution to the CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL (CSA) I thank you. If you have not, please do so this week. We really need everyone’s support and generosity to reach our target.

Fr. Randy Phillips